How is EZPD Different Than Other Password Managers?

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In today’s word, most of us realize the importance of creating strong passwords to protect our most sensitive information. We understand that using the same credentials for each account is dangerous because one breach can easily snowball into something far more serious and wide-reaching.

But, when it comes to keeping track of our passwords, well that’s a different story.

Because of the complexity and number of passwords we deal with each day, many internet and software users try programs that store their passwords for easy access and organization.

What most people don’t realize is, password managers are also susceptible to hacking.

What is a password manager?

Most password managers generate and store online passwords for its users. Many users also store other information like PINs, credit-card numbers, CVV codes, answers to security questions to their password managers as well.

Some other common attributes of password managers may be that they automatically log into sites for you, or audit your password strength. Others verify that you’re not using the same in too many places.

While these features seem positive, there is one glaring red flag users need to be aware of.

How password managers store your information

Most password managers require a master password. This is the one and only password you need to remember, and it unlocks the vault which holds all of your information. If this master password is compromised, so is all of your information. This poses an additional problem for users who store financial data on their password managers.

The second problem with password managers is how individual companies store data. Many password managers use a cloud or a server to remember what passwords they have generated for their users. Therein lies the problem. Servers and clouds can also be hacked.

Therefore, what seems like a secure method for password generation may not be after all.

What to look for in password management

The best password protectors should have components within them to ensure your true protection. So, what specifically is the most important thing to think about when it comes to a password manager?


The best password managers will not store your information on the cloud or otherwise. EZPD password manager takes a unique approach to password protection.

EZPD uses a regeneration technique which means that your password is never stored, only regenerated at your devise on demand.


In addition to safe storage, you also need a password manager with flexibility.  EZPD makes it easy to create an unlimited amount of unique and complex passwords. With EZPD you can customize the length (up to 256 characters) and which symbols, characters and case sensitivity you need to satisfy password requirements.

Above all, it’s important to remember that not all password managers, and the characteristics associated with them, are created equally. Picking the best password manager is important for your safety and protection.

Learn more about how EZPD can protect you and Signup for free use today.


